No Man follows the story of Kenneth Macharia, who is under the threat of being deported from the UK back to his birth country of Kenya, where as an openly gay man he faces the risk of persecution, mob violence, and even death.
In Kenya, the penal code explicitly forbids homosexual activity, declaring it to be tantamount to human-animal relations and punishable by 14 years imprisonment. With the help of his rugby teammates, Ken’s story went viral and attracted international attention and support. However, with the media spotlight waning, Ken faces the possibility of his temporary asylum being revoked, and being sent back to a country that would persecute him.
This short film pitch was selected from hundreds of applications to be created as part of the Screenskills Rising Directors Scheme. We received industry mentoring and a £5000 budget, and had the honour of the final film premiering at the prestigious Sheffield Doc/Fest 2019. Since then, it's been featured as part of the official selections for The Palace International Film Festival, the Scottish Queer International Film Festival, and Leeds Queer Film Festival.
Ciara Flint
Emry McGarry
Ciara Flint
Emry McGarry
Tom Young
Ciara Flint
Executive Producer
Jo Scarratt-Jones